MFA lauched the E-Book “A Legacy for All” to commemorate the birthday of His Majesty the King on 28 July 2022

MFA lauched the E-Book “A Legacy for All” to commemorate the birthday of His Majesty the King on 28 July 2022

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 3 Aug 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 3 Aug 2022

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On 22 July 2022, Mr. Vijavat Isarabhakdi, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, presided over the Englishlanguage e-book launch of “A Legacy for All,” a compilation of selected articles published from the end of the year 2020 to mid-2022 on the role of the monarchy in Thai history, society and the nation’s development, as part of the activities to commemorate the birthday of His Majesty the King on 28 July 2022. The e-book launch was attended by approximately 40 distinguished guests, including prominent individuals from various fields, who provided information and supported their publication, representatives from key agencies involved in the Royal Projects mentioned in the e-book, as well as the diplomatic corps and international organizations.

Mr. Tanee Sangrat, Director-General of the Department of Information and Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offered welcome remarks on this occasion. As the Ministry’s official source on foreign affairs, the Department of Information was pleased to communicate stories and connect Thailand to the world with the launch of this distinct collection of articles, which celebrate the role of the monarchy in the nation’s development from the past to the present, touching the daily lives of people in Thai society, as well as impacting Thailand’s international relations. Many writers have worked on Royal projects and initiatives for the benefit of local communities in several areas, reflecting efforts to promote people-centred development.

Dr. Vilawan Mangklatanakul, Deputy Permanent Secretary and Chair of the Working Group that produced articles in this e-book, expressed her appreciation to the writers and key agencies which provided information and insights. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has circulated articles in the e-book to its embassiesand consulates-general to publish on their media outlets. These missions abroad have also sent the articles to local agencies, universities, as well as media, as part of their outreach activities to engage the local community and to exchange knowledge and experiences. The 18 articles in this e-book have thus been published in more than 20 local media outlets in 15 countries and one economic zone, which includes Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Cambodia, China, Greece, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, the Republic of Korea, Timor-Leste and Hong Kong.

Mr. Vijavat Isarabhakdi, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Advisor to the Working Group that produced this e-book, formally launched the event by providing an overview of the e-book’s contents. He acknowledged that most of the topics covered were not new, but that the e-book provides readers with an opportunity to revisit important moments in history, and to recapture concepts and experiences that society can continue to learn from for the future, such as the Khok Nong Na Model to strengthen food security, the Kamlangjai Project to uphold human rights for vulnerable groups, and the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy that
focuses on building strength from within: all of which have been well received overseas.

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The link to the e-book can be found at: